St. Timothy Lutheran Church
Changing lives through Christ

This is the day the Lord has made, let us
and be glad in it
St. Timothy Lutheran Church (STLC) is made up of folks from the neighborhood and the greater south county area. We are age and race diverse and treat one another like family. We worship on Sundays at 9:30a with adult and children’s education hour (except for the summer) after the service. Our worship services have both traditional hymns and contemporary worship music, and we aim to proclaim the gospel each week throughout our worship service.
Many people understand Christianity as a list of do’s and don’ts; things we are allowed to do and things we should avoid. We try to keep a list in our heads of whether we are generally “winning” or “losing” and up our game when the scales are not tipping in our favor. But the good news of the gospel is that everything that needs to be “done” has been done by Jesus Christ. We proclaim the entire and free forgiveness of all our sins by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. There is nothing left to do or not do as it pertains to the forgiveness of sins. Jesus Christ has defeated sin, death, and the devil and has forgiven us completely and forever. This is most certainly good news!
When a person has been fully forgiven of all their sins they are less and less inclined to focus on other people’s sins and more inclined to imagine ways that they can help their neighbor. Members and attenders of STLC are engaged in ministry to youth, women, and men, as well as relief organizations in San Diego and around the world. We are always welcoming new friends to join us in worship of God and service to those in need.
If you would like to check out our church, you can watch a service or two under the "media" tab or come on a Sunday morning. People dress however they like; from shorts and flip flops to Sunday best…everyone is welcome just as they are.
If you have any questions or would just like to talk, don’t hesitate to contact us at admin@sttimothysd.org, or call or text at (619) 475-1575. We hope to have the chance to meet you soon!